Sanitas Diagnostics™ is a web-based Software Solution, which is lab information system that offers a set of key features that support a modern medical laboratory operations and integartion with a wide range laboratory instruments.

About Sanitas Diagnostics™


Sanitas Diagnostics™ is a web-based Medical Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) designed to improve the operations for medical diagnostic laboratories. The platform offers a set of key features that support a modern medical laboratory operations. Those key features include — but are not limited to — workflow and data tracking support, flexible architecture, and smart data exchange interfaces, which fully support its use in regulated environments. The features and uses of our LIMS platform have evolved over the years from simple sample tracking to an enterprise resource planning tool that manages multiple aspects of laboratory informatics. Sanitas Diagnostics™ is an ever evolving platform, with new features and functionality being added often. As Laboratory demands change and technological progress continues, the functions of our LIMS platform will likely also change. Despite these changes, Sanitas Diagnostics™ comes packed with a base set of functionality that defines it. That functionality can roughly be divided into five laboratory processing phases, with numerous LIMS platform functions falling under each:

  • The front-desk staff and log in of and its associated customer data.
  • Assignment, scheduling, and tracking of the sample and the associated analytical workload
  • Processing and quality control associated with the sample and the utilized equipment and inventory
  • Storage of data associated with the sample analysis
  • Inspection, approval, and compilation of the sample data for reporting and/or further analysis

What's In It For You?


Sanitas Diagnostics™ manages data, resources and entire workflow processes, right from sample collection to verification and publishing of final results. A comprehensive, standalone product catering to the all the procedures of diagnostic lab, LIMS comes with a host of features like custom templates for lab reports, dynamic forms for various tests etc.

The platform provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced administration & control, superior patient care, strict cost control and improved profitability. It is powerful, flexible and easy to use and is designed and developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to diagnostic medical laboratories. More importantly it is backed by reliable and dependable product support. The platform has been designed for both single and multi-chain laboratories, to cover a wide range of laboratory administration and management processes. The integrated end-to-end LIMS provides relevant information across the laboratory to support effective decision making for facility administration and critical financial accounting, in a seamless flow.

  • The platform offer an increasing amount of integration with lab instruments and applications. It can create control files that are "fed" into the instrument and direct its operation on some physical item such as a sample tube or sample plate. It can then import instrument results files to extract data for quality control assessment of the operation on the sample. Access to the instrument data can sometimes be regulated based on chain of custody assignments or other security features if need be.


  • Integrated Inventory Management keeps track of all facility stocks supplies and helps you keep the optimum level of stock all the time. It also minimizes the lost stock due to theft and misplacement.
  • It enhances information integrity by a reduction in transcription errors and duplication of information entries.
  • Sanitas Diagnostics™ is easy to use and eliminates errors caused by handwriting.
  • The latest technology gives perfect performance to pull up information from hosted or cloud servers.
  • It provides all data in a single platform, hence enables Business Intelligence Module to provide valuable insights into facility operations and the quality of patient service.
  • It enhances the overall health care experience in a healthcare facility
  • It reduces expenses of an organization because of less paperwork, improved safety, and reduced duplication of testing.
  • It helps as a decision support system for the healthcare authorities for developing comprehensive health care policies.
  • It reflects an improved supplies usage monitoring system, including its effectiveness on ROI.

The Core Modules

  • System Administration
    The system administration module is intended for the designated personel in charge of system administration. It allows for configuration of various aspects of business rules, user mandate & permissions, audit trails & help desk support. Key highlights are as follows:
    • User Management: User privilege, roles privileges & approval mandate management.
    • System Configuration: Allows configuration of various buiness rule & work flows such as branches, departments, insurance providers, medical schemes, work flows, required fields, que management system (QMS), etc.
    • System Audit: Allows viewing / audit various aspects of the the system processes such as online users, user activity, scheduled bacground jobs, system logs, database backup logs & error logs.
  • Patient Register
    This module allows for management of patient demographic details. It is also the first point of contact of the patient journey in the healtcare facility. Key highlights are as follows:
    • Patient Register: Allows the front-desk staff capturing & editing of patient demographic details as well as queueing of patients to various speciality departments.
    • Patient Queue: Viewing & management of queued patients that have been queued to various speciality departments.
    • Calendar: Allows the front-desk staff to schedule patient appointments & visit reminders.
    • Enquiries: Allows the front-desk staff to access a list of various services available in the facility alongside their charges.
  • Laboratory Management
    The lab module handles end to end laboratory operations and designed to capture the details related to all phases in lab request management life cycle i.e sample collection, sample verification, report publication and report verification. Key highligts are as follows:
    • Improved Workflows: The seamless integration with front-desk and billing modules helps in improving the facility workflows.
    • Intuitive User Interface: Lab requests can be searched and generated for a variety of tests with details such as status, priority, and referring physician. Users can capture sample collection and verification processes of multiple tests based on the common sample type with a single mouse click.
    • Configurable Templates: The module supports templates for all kinds of invasive and noninvasive diagnostic tests i.e individual (single parameter), group or multiple parameter templates.
    • Test Outsourcing: Option to outsource unavailable tests to external facilities (within the organization or outside) and integrate the results with patient record.
    • Communication: Email patient reports and send test report readiness details to the patient via SMS.
    • Blood Bank: Support for blood bank & blood transfussion procedures.
    • ReportsAccess to wide range or reports such as lab tests summary, lab results statistics, workload, ammendments, turn around time and service backlog. Regional government regulatory reports such as IDSR Weekly Epidemic reports, MOH 731, Clinical Chemistry Report & Parasitologyy reports are available.
  • Payment
    The payment module is intended for casheers or any personel tasked with handling of payments (both payables & receivables). It supports various modes of payments such as cash, bank transfer, card, mobile money, insurance cover, waivers, etc. Key highlights are as follows:
    • Receivables: Viewing & management of generated invoices, insurance claim schedules, payment receipt, refund request, client account deposits & pro forma invoices.
    • Payables: Viewing & management of payment vouchers, make payments to debtors, view payment listings & pre-payments.
    • Petty Cash: Intended for internal usage in the organization in handling petty cash. It supports management of petty cash request, payment request, imprest request & staff advance request.
    • Reports: Viewing of casheer collection, receipts & service backlog.
    • Billing: Reference of clients billing audit summary.
    • Enquiries: Allows the user to access a list of various services available in the facility alongside their charges.
  • Manegerial Accounting
    This module is intended for back office finance administration staff. It allows the finance manegerial staff to manage various aspects of the facilities financials such as chart of accounts, general journal, general ledger, payment modes & budgeting. Key highlights are as follows:
    • Financials: Viewing & management of chart of accounts, general journal, general ledger, payment modes & budgeting.
    • Bank: Viewing, management and transaction reconciliation of bank account details .
    • Configuration: Management of products & service price lists, suppliers, insurance providers, medical schemes, consultant fees & ledger mapping.
    • Debtor Management: Management of debtor details such such as claim schedules, eClaims processing, client deposits, bulk allocation.
    • Invoice & Voucher Settlement: Settlement of debit & credit notes.
    • Reports: Viewing of various financial reports such as daily collections, daily payments, receipt summary, patient count summary, debtor & creditor statements, debtors ageing report, comprehensive income, insurance allocation & settlement, unposted revenue & units P&L reports.
    • Financial Statements: Viewing of financial statements such as trial balance, income statement, balance sheet & cash flow statement.


  • Inventory Management
    The inventory module is allows various relevant staff tasked with the responsibility of managing stock items to manage & carry out operations such as inventory items management, store management & purchase management. Key highlights are follows:
    • Inventory Management: Provices management of inventory item details such as store location, batch details, cost, ledger mappings, etc.
    • Store Management: Management of storage area details, internal requisitions, stock level adjustment & batch items exipiry.
    • Revenue Analysis: Revenue summary reports based on billable items / services, department units, in-patient, outpatient & staff.
    • Purchase Management: Management of purchase requisition, purchase orders, LSO requisitions & LSO processing.
    • Supplier Management: Management of supplier / vendor details.
    • Inventory Reports: Detailed reports giving insights of the inventory stock item such as stock movement report, stock adustment report, product consumption trends, store product levels, stock replenishment report, purchase deliveries & spot check tracking report.
  • Business Intelligence
    The business inteligence module allows various stakeholders to view various reports. It also comes packed with analytics & dashboards for various roles, e.g., CEOs, clinical managers, finance, and nurses. Key highlights are as follows:
    • Operations Analysis: Dashboards & reports of various facility operations such as patient visit analytics, clinical processes, inventory trail & service backlog,
    • Collection Analysis: Summary payment collection reports such as unit monthly summary, payment mode summary, casheer collection & debtor collection.
    • Revenue Analysis: Revenue summary reports based on billable items / services, department units, in-patient, outpatient & staff.
    • Performance Analysis: Department / units summary reports showing the income perfomnace baseed on the following details ledger account, MTD expenditure, MTD income, MTD net profit, YTD expenditure, YTD income & YTD net profit.
    • Financial Statements: Viewing of financial statements such as trial balance, income statement, balance sheet & cash flow statement.
    • Medical Reports: Collection of clinical & operational detailed medical reports. Clinical reports entail diagnosis summary, laboratory tests, patient vists summary, vaccination register & diagnosis register. It also comes packed with region based government regulatory reports such as IDSR Weekly Epidemic Monitoring Form, MOH 705 A, MOH 705 B, MOH 711, MOH 731, MOH 717, MOH 710, MOH 713 & HMIS Form 105. The operational reports entail current admissions, ward admissions & ward bed occupancy.
    • Inventory Reports: Detailed reports giving insights of the inventory stock item such as stock movement report, stock adustment report, product consumption trends, store product levels, stock replenishment report, purchase deliveries & spot check tracking report.
  • Sanitas Board
    The Sanitas Board is a global module that is accessible to all system users in the facility and has no role permission restrictions. It's used for common global functions such as purchase requisitions, store requisitions, leave requst, etc. The following are the key highlights;
    • Notifications Create and view internal memos commmunication.
    • Requests: Initiate payment requests, imprest request, staff salary advance requests & transport request.
    • Requisitions: Initiate store item requisition, purchase requisition & LSO requisition,
    • HR & Payroll: View payslips, view payroll details (Earning & benefits, deductions, relief), view leave entitlement, leave request, view training invitations, view training material, respond to perfomance reviews & bank account detaiis.

Additional Optional Modules

  • Human Resources
    The HR module allows the facilities HR admin staff to manage the information of all their staff (both permanent & contractual). This module is tightly integrated with both the payroll & manegerial accounting modules. The following are the key highlights:
    • Employee Information: Management of employee employment details (job group, job scale, benefits, employement type), tenure, conduct cases, etc.
    • Leave Management: Management of time off or leave requests from staff. Other operations include leave adjustment and leave approvals.
    • Training: Plan an schedule for staff training. Training material can also be uploaed and shared with a specific target group.
    • Performance: Manage performance reviews by creating KPI review templates for each role designation which will be completed by the staff and their supervisors.
    • Reports: A collection of detailed reports such as termination reports, employee status changes, new hires, leave entitlement reports, perfomnace reports, turnover analysis, shift audit etc.
  • Payroll
    The payroll module allows the facility's finance admin staff to manage and process payroll of all their staff (both permanent & contractual). This module is tightly integrated with both the human resources & manegerial accounting modules. The following are the key highlights:
    • Payroll Processing: Management of payroll period & processing approval levels. Bank payment schedules can be generated once the payroll has been processed.
    • Earning Configuration: Configuration of staff earning & benefits, earning categories, ledger linkage, job group / scale and individual staff earning.
    • Deduction Configuration: Configuration of payroll deductions such as deduction types, deduction category, ledger linkage, staff advance repayment schedule & staff individual deduction.
    • Relief: Management of staff personall & insurance relief.
    • Reports: A collection of detailed reports such as tax deduction cards, payment deductions, payroll aggregate, variance report, payroll item listing & earninig matrix.
  • Asset Register
    The asset register allows the facility administration maintain the information about their assets in an organized fashion. This module tightly imtegrates to the inventory & manegerial accounting module. The following are the key highlights:
    • Register: Management of asset information details such as capitalization, revaluation, exchange, and transfer of assets. The following is a sample of information captured: Name, category, make, model, location, serial number, asset tag, current value, depreciation percentage, etc.
    • Purchase Order: Management of asset procurement. Purchase order creation for assets can also be initiated and processed from this module.
    • Accounting Linkage: The calculation, recording, and reporting of depreciation of an asset, as indicated by the organization's depreciation policy can be achieved via this module; this information is incorporated into the manegerial accounting module.
    • Depreciation Calculation: All items in the asset register have a unique identification and used for calculation of depreciation, including year-wise Net Asset Value.


  • CRM
    The CRM module is a mobile SMS based communication channnel that the facility can use to interact with its customers by scheduling both bulk and individual messages. The following are the key highlights:
    • OutBox Messaging Scheduling of both bulk messaging to a target contact group or single contact.
    • InBox Messaging: Allows the facility's admin staff to read responses & messages sent by customers via SMS.
    • Contact Management: Allows the facility's admin staff to manage message recipient contacts as well as target groups contacts.
  • Sales & Marketing
    This module has been designed to help more established facilities with sales and marketing staff to better manage their day to day operations by keeping track of of their sales campaigns, workplans and set targets. The following are the key highlights:
    • Campaign Management Allows users to create and manage campaigns, leads, campaign schedules & work plans.
    • Enquiries: Allows the users to access a list of products and services offered by the facility.
    • Reports: Access to the campaigns dashborads, work plan targets report, achievements report, feedback analysis & referring facility statistics.
  • Quality Assurance
    The quality assuarance module empowers the facility clinical administration staff to set integrity enforcement / restrictions on the offered services based of various patient parameters such as age, gender, vitals range limit, etc.
    • Vital Type: Age, gender and range indicators restrictions on which specific vitals can be captured. i.e UAC readings can only be applied to infants below 5 years.
    • Laboratory: Age, gender and range indicators restrictions on which specific laboratory tests can be requested for i.e HVS can only be applied to female patients.
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